Somiibo blog

Automate social media activity to get real followers, likes, and reposts on SoundCloud, Twitter, Instagram and many more sites. Spend less time marketing!


  • Added puzzle captcha solver for TikTok and released TikTok module.
  • Added ability to include instructions.html in modules. Modules now include an instructions tab with tips and suggestions on how to maximize the use of each module.


  • Added navigator.platform fixer for tabs and module webcontents.

API Changes

  • Added direction property for somiibo.browser().click() options so you can specify the button as up or down.
  • Changed somiibo.browser().select() so it merges the first two arguments if they are both objects.
  • Fixed somiibo.browser().capture() method.
  • To include instructions.html, have the instructions.html in your module folder and set <module>.instructions = true in your package’s main.json.


Automate social media activity to get real followers, likes, and reposts on SoundCloud, Twitter, Instagram and many more sites. Spend less time marketing!