Somiibo blog

Automate social media activity to get real followers, likes, and reposts on SoundCloud, Twitter, Instagram and many more sites. Spend less time marketing!


  • Somiibo Premium proxies have been released for SoundCloud Play Generator as an experiment. You need a premium subscription to be able to use these.
  • Goals have been released for SoundCloud Play Generator as an experiment.


  • When the app starts up the tab titles will correctly display for modules. Non-module tabs will still only show the url’s hostname until the tab is activated.
  • Fixed an error where modules would not start and get stuck on the diagnostic page because proxy checks happened before navigation. Workers will now attempt to connect to proxies even if they are badly formatted so as to give the user an idea why nothing is happening. This change fixes all “view generating” modules such as SoundCloud Plays Generator, Traffic Generator, etc.

API / Internal Changes

  • Fixed an error that would occur when closing the app where the window reference was disposed and would throw an undefined error.


Automate social media activity to get real followers, likes, and reposts on SoundCloud, Twitter, Instagram and many more sites. Spend less time marketing!